The constant use of technology could have a negative impact on how your brain functions and develops. Technology has become integrated into almost all aspects of our lives, and because of this we are seeing a difference in how our brains work.

The Millennial generation is one of which grew up alongside the birth of digital technology, and has developed a natural dependency on the use of technology. This natural dependency on technology ultimately affects the way they process information, communicate, and socialize.

Scientists have found that technology affects multiple parts of the brain, which can result in underdevelopment of these areas. The parts of the brain that are affected by technology mostly relate to individuals communication and social skills. Compared to the previous generations, who didn’t grow up relaying on technology, the Millennial’s are suffering in their ability to interact and communicate beyond a digital interface.

The outermost part of our brain begins to shrink when we use too much technology, which makes it more difficult to process information. This may be concerning for the Millennial generation who has been introduced to a world full of multitasking and multi-sensory communication. Individuals are constantly using technology, while performing other tasks at the same time. This has produced short attention spans for the Millennial generation, who can now be watching TV, on their phone, and on their laptop all at the same time. Technology and social media have created a digital world of constant communication making it difficult for anyone to internalize and process information without being distracted by their smart phones and tablets.

One of the biggest innovations from digital technology is the ability to constantly communicate with people. Technology has given us the luxury of communicating with people through the digital world, rather than face-to-face. However, abusing the use of technology can negatively affect our communication skills and make it difficult to communicate beyond our technical devices. The Millennial’s are lacking common social cues and the ability to properly communicate face-to-face because of their constant use of communicating through technology. Many of the qualities that are necessary to have when communicating face-to-face are not necessary through online communication. Proper grammar, body language, and social cues are all disabled through technology, so the Millennial’s aren’t acquiring these basic communication skills.

Technology and media have created an online world that is separate from the real world, and this has shown an effect on individual’s social and emotional development. For individuals that are constantly using technology and media as a means for escaping from reality, it can be damaging to their social skills. Much of what can be found on the Internet or through social media apps creates an illusion and idealized version of what is real. Individuals can become so fixated on the online world that they forget what reality is among our society. Individual’s ability to socialize is also related to their ability to communicate. Technology hinders both communication and social skills, which are prominent in an individual’s social development. Using technology and media instead of interacting with other humans will create an emotional and social detach from the real world.

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